《DmC Devil May Cry》三款武器霸氣亮相

DmC Devil May Cry》又為我們放出了一批最新遊戲截圖。

截圖向我們展示了《DmC Devil May Cry》中的三款武器:鐮刀、戰斧以及他的霰彈槍,我們很早以前就會知道《鬼泣5》中會為少年但丁配備多種不同的武器,除了我們在這裡看到的這幾款之外,還有重型拳套、但丁的標配武器那把叛逆大劍,以及黑檀木白象牙雙槍等等,想要達到S級評分,你可要熟練切換各種武器才行。

New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons

另外兩張截圖中展示的則是《Devil May Cry》系列的傳統設定:殺怪掉“紅魂”以對角色進行升級,還有在地圖中收集綠色星星,這個我們暫時還不知道有什麼用途,如果《DmC Devil May Cry》的設定跟前作類似的話,猜測它是用來購買消耗品的。

New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons New ‘DmC: Devil May Cry’ screens feature pre-order DLC items and weapons


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