《The Bureau: XCOM Declassified》Gameplay狙擊外星人

2K Games公佈了小隊戰術射擊遊戲《The Bureau: XCOM Declassified》的新預告。新視頻展示了UI界面,結合玩家自己的戰術考慮,甚至不開一槍都可以拿下任務。


《The Bureau: XCOM Declassified》定於8月20日登陸北美。8月23日登陸歐洲,發售平台是PC,PS3和Xbox 360。

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified ScreenshotThe Bureau: XCOM Declassified Screenshot

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