Sucker Punch團隊雄心勃勃要讓《Ghost of Tsushima》一切動起來

Sucker Punch

在今年E3,《InFamous》開發商Sucker Punch帶來的《Ghost of Tsushima (對馬之魂)》的演示十分引人注意,尤其是其展現的開放世界十分華麗,充滿生機,而《Ghost of Tsushima》的藝術總監Jason Connel近日在接受采訪時也談及他們在打造這個世界時的雄心。


《Ghost of Tsushima》目前還沒有公佈發售日期。

Ghost of Tsushima.gif的圖片搜尋結果
Ghost of Tsushima's World and Story | PlayStation Live From E3 2018 trailer story ghost of tsushima ps4 gameplay ghost of tsushima details ghost of tsushima gameplay e3 2018 e3 characters GIF
Ghost of Tsushima's World and Story | PlayStation Live From E3 2018 trailer story ghost of tsushima ps4 gameplay ghost of tsushima details ghost of tsushima gameplay e3 2018 e3 characters GIF
Ghost of Tsushima Full Gameplay Reveal (with Flute) | Sony E3 2018 sony e3 2018 sony e3 samurai game ghosts of tsushima gameplay ghosts of tsushima ghost of tsushima gameplay ghost of tsushima e3 ghost of tsushima ghost of sushima Sony GIF

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