一年一度預備排隊炒iPhone 6

Tech fans trust a new iPhone 6 will have a bigger screen, improved battery life and super-fast wifi

一年一度發財的最好機會又來了!如果你現在待業在家,不如考慮打飛機去紐約排隊買iPhone 6吧!不僅可以得到報酬,享受免費的食物,甚至連最後到手的iPhone 6,都可能是免費的!

全世界的技術宅們正等待勁期待9月9日iPhone 6的閃亮登場。有人把這一大事變成了商機——替人在新機發布前幾週在紐約蘋果旗艦店外排隊。這對伉儷名叫Jason and Moon Ray,來自德克薩斯州奧斯丁,他們得到了一家應用程序新公司Video Medicine的讚助來到紐約,站到了蘋果店前。

Fans line up outside flagship Apple Store ahead of iPhone 6 launch

Jason and Moon Ray在紐約蘋果店外排隊等待買iPhone 6

Paid to queue: The integrate are from Texas and are being paid to reserve for a phone by Video Medicine

其他的蘋果迷們也接受技術公司的讚助在新機發布幾週前就在這兒排隊了。來自紐約Joseph Cruz前天才到達開始加入排隊大軍,他在自己的堂兄邊上安放了兩個位置。和這些贊助公司合作的蘋果迷只要同意穿上印有贊助公司標誌的服裝,他們就可以不用花錢得到自己的蘋果手機。夫婦做好了充足的準備,他們帶來了帳篷,太陽能電池板和睡袋。

Sleeping rough: Jason Ray and Moon Ray put divided their sleeping bags outward a Apple Store in ManhattaniPhone fans: Fans backing adult outward a Apple Store in New York days before it's even been unveiled

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