
Cosplay Of 2015


The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015The Best Cosplay Of 2015

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白金工作室腦殘Tatsuya Minami 解釋:《Bayonetta 2》為何是Wii U獨佔

大家對Wii U遊戲發佈會突然公佈的《Bayonetta 2》是幾家歡喜幾家愁。 而那些不怎麼高興的玩家是因為他們對目前的主機比較滿意,想在目前主機上玩到《Bayonetta 2》,而不是去購買Wii U。 白金工作室是這兩作遊戲...
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